"But what I find more interesting than my meager possessions is this jar of insects you have brought."
Many were orphans with very meager personal possessions, and their level of literacy was relatively low.
The chair had seen better days, as had the rest of their meager possessions.
They end up getting conned the very first day and lose all their meager possessions.
When we had washed him and straightened his meager possessions, I left to tell the guards.
Down in the cargo hold meager possessions were being assembled.
Probably I would have let him, had he not been so ignorant as to think my one meager possession might be a weapon.
Unfortunately, when my mother died, the book disappeared from her meager possessions and I only recently bought a used copy.
The always meager possessions of Vicinanza were sold in 1863.
He examined our meager possessions without ever looking inside anything.