They took for granted the meager food, the worn clothing, the lack of medication; and their tremendous faith in God richly compensated them.
It was a campfire to heat their meager foods and to protect them from whatever might be out there, watching.
Local people became famous for sharing their meager food with the starving strangers.
They built no fire-indeed, there was no wood to be gathered for one-and they ate sparingly of their meager food.
And why do we eat the few meager foods we do?
The "food shortage" produced anecdotes of Kim insisting on eating the same meager food as other North Koreans.
One result, Ms. Karrenbrock said, is that the meager food for refugees will be cut.
Cornels and salvage berries of the wood, And roots and herbs, have been my meager food.
In the 1830's, wardens' reports would describe " the coarse clothes that inmates would wear and the meager food they ate."