My livelihood has never depended, other than my time as the judge, and a $2,000 a year mayoral salary, on the public payroll.
His records show his income consisted of his mayoral salary, as well as earnings of his wife, who now works for a nonprofit organization.
Leppert donated his mayoral salary to a scholarship fund for students from low-income families.
As mayor, the village trustees adopted a budget which raised Degnan's mayoral salary from $8,563 a year to $15,600.
As of July 2012, Pavia earns an annual mayoral salary of $150,000.
While popular with the media, Atkinson quickly began to receive criticism from the public for her expensive overseas trips, extravagant mayoral salary, and costly engineering projects.
To counter these claims, Ivan Dean said "If successful I will donate the mayoral salary to charities and youth activities".
In 2005 he was elected as Mayor of Launceston, which attracted some criticism for holding the dual positions; Dean opted to donate his mayoral salary to charity.
He has promised to cut the mayoral salary, strip city employees of expensive perks and establish transparent hiring practices that elevate merit over patronage.
Mr. Phillips has donated his mayoral salary, all $500 of it for this year, he said with a smile, to Mrs. Burks's election.