His father is the general secretary of Piraeus, Greece, a mayoral appointment.
The City Council would be expanded to 11 members, with power to advise and consent on mayoral appointments.
A third, already in the Dinkins bill, would give the Council the power to reject mayoral appointments.
With two mayoral appointments to the seven-member board, Mr. Giuliani could add to the board's conservative majority.
New York City's 41 marshals, who serve five-year terms under mayoral appointment, are peace officers, and are allowed to carry licensed handguns.
Through a mayoral appointment, he served as the chairman of the city's Public Improvement Commission.
Four years later, two mayoral appointments were added to the borough-presidential five, and that is the structure today.
The "Eddies" faction could vote down any mayoral appointment or appropriation, though not override the mayor's veto.
Vacancies on the Civil Court are filled by mayoral appointment.
The board is responsible for approving mayoral appointments, managing village finances and property, and approving a budget.