The mayors belong to the pro-Kurdish People's Democracy Party, and their arrests had sparked anger among Kurds and drawn protests from abroad.
After the restoration of democracy in Spain, the first two mayors belonged to the EAJ-PNV.
The new mayor, Giorgio Guazzaloca, belongs to a coalition led by former Prime Minister Silvio Belusconi, a media tycoon.
The mayors of the cities and municipality belong to the Metro Manila Mayor's League that serves as the board of the MMDA.
Unlike their Lima counterparts, the mayor and most town officials belong to Peru's Communist Party, from which the Shining Path guerrillas broke.
All these mayors, like Mr. Erdogan, belong to the Islamic-oriented Virtue Party.
The mayor of Coripata, Félix Huanca Huanca, belongs to the group.
After the collapse of the traditional parties of the postwar period, the mayors belonged to the party or the coalition led by Silvio Berlusconi.
The present mayor of Kiev, Leonid Chernovetskyi, and many members of his team belong to the "Embassy of God" commune.
The three mayors belong to the pro-Kurdish People's Democracy Party.