Currently, intermediaries take an awful lot of money away from those maximum returns.
But they are required to share the company with investors whose primary interest, presumably, is maximum returns rather than low-cost insurance.
Others have not recognized opportunities to use debt to leverage safe investments for maximum returns.
"But the market situation is rapidly changing and from now on, we think that a long-term policy doesn't necessarily promise us maximum returns."
Bad business means not only failing to reach maximum returns, but also failing to care about what you are invested in.
Vary tactics and approach to enforcement duties to obtain maximum return from each situation.
Having fun while teaching young entrepreneurs, he said, now takes priority over earning maximum returns.
The trustees are supposed to be generating maximum returns for the Indians.
Vanguard Horizon is a series of four low-cost portfolios that aim for maximum total return over time.
We define maximum return as the following: significant and sustained educational improvement for all children.