The bonds were initially priced to yield a maximum 5.45 percent for an issue due in 2027.
On both days, all shares fell by the maximum 10 percent daily limit.
The issue was initially priced to yield a maximum 7.15 percent for a bond due in 2017.
Those purchases came on top of its routine bid for the maximum 35 percent.
At least they didn't cut Mattingly's salary by the maximum 20 percent, as some clubs did with players who had good seasons.
Other classes will increase to the maximum 5 percent allowed by state law in any one year.
The bonds are priced to yield a maximum 5.85 percent for an issue due in 2024.
The tax on capital gains will rise from 50 percent, to a maximum 75 percent by 1990.
That issue was initially priced to yield a maximum 5.26 percent for a bond due in 2029.
Under his plan, 17 economically struggling upstate communities would receive the maximum 9 percent annual increase in aid.