They set the maximum frequency at which the muscle can contract:
These options set the maximum frequency of alerts and do not necessarily control how often they will receive alerts.
Yonah's execution core contains a 12 stage pipeline, forecast to eventually be able to run at a maximum frequency of 2.33-2.50 GHz.
The cache and bus operate at the same clock rate as the R10000, whose maximum frequency was 200 MHz.
This work led to an equation that determined the maximum frequency of signalling:
Most transistors, and especially power transistors, exhibit long base-storage times that limit maximum frequency of operation in switching applications.
CFAs, in contrast, have no dominant pole capacitor and therefore can operate much more closely to their maximum frequency at higher gain.
For television purposes, a maximum frequency of 6 MHz might be chosen, which corresponds to a delay of 83ns.
A typical and maximum frequency of births is one offspring per female per year, with initial year infant mortality at about fifty percent.
This limits the maximum frequency at which the bus can be operated.