With an anti-vibration system, you can experience maximum comfort while having less fatigue.
A Balanced Bridge For maximum comfort, side pieces should never touch the head until they reach the top of the ears, said Scott Craig, a certified optician with Pearle Vision, the national eye wear retailer based in Dallas.
Lord Starrex shifted his shoulders against the padding which immediately accommodated itself to his stirring to give him maximum comfort.
This experience influenced his architecture and his philosophy, and once he returned home he specialised in using indigenous resources to provide maximum comfort.
This ergonomically designed mower is also first-rate in user-friendly features that provide maximum comfort and less fatigue while mowing your lawn.
The heavy duty frame design with mesh back seating provide maximum comfort and support.
Wrestling shoes are light and flexible in order to provide maximum comfort and movement.
For maximum living-space comfort, the blades should be 7 to 9 feet above floor level.
She shifted her body and the foam reoriented itself to provide maximum comfort.