Two weeks before the (28 October) election UDAR withdrew 26 of its candidates running in single-member constituencies in favour of Fatherland candidates and they withdrew 26 parliamentary candidates in favor of UDAR in an attempt to maximise votes for the opposition.
Vanguard was stronger than the DUP in urban working-class areas and, as the pacts were designed to maximize loyalist votes by giving the strongest party in any area a clear run, this would have reduced the number of DUP people standing in urban areas.
Indian voting rights are often seen as a partisan issue - that in order to win, Democrats should maximize Indian votes and Republicans look for ways to reduce them.
One seeks a district to maximize Asian-American votes, another seeks a district to maximize Hispanic votes and a third seeks a coalition district in which Asian-American and Hispanic voters are roughly equal.
The long-run sustainable position that maximizes votes is now a 'corner solution' at point 5', where the natural rate is combined with zero inflation.
In an apparent attempt to maximise votes for Tsang, Stanley Ho had suggested that those casting blank votes could be tracked down.
The turnout fad is about more than simply maximizing votes.
Since the national popular vote is irrelevant, both voters and candidates are assumed to base their campaign strategies around the existence of the Electoral College; any close race has candidates campaigning to maximize electoral votes by capturing coveted swing states, not to maximize national popular vote totals.