What has been ignored in the quest for maximal passenger-packing efficiency is that the commuter is not a tomato.
Initial spec filters unilayer styrilene, with maximal efficiency of 97.4% trapping.
Its ramblings are not random; they are the output of heavy computers trying to produce a schedule of maximal efficiency from among, at least, quadrillions of possible solutions.
In 1961 he and Hans Queisser derived the maximal theoretical efficiency of a simple solar cell, subsequently known as the Shockley-Queisser limit.
ELMO1 complexed with both DOCK180 and CrkII leads to maximal efficiency of phagocytosis in the cell.
Thus if the acoustic-phonetic rules and the accompanying normalization procedures work perfectly, lexical access should work at its maximal efficiency.
A complicated system of valves and air sacs cycles air constantly over the absorption surfaces of the lungs so allowing maximal efficiency of gaseous exchange.
The shapes of their bodies are adapted for maximal efficiency of water flow through the central cavity, where it deposits nutrients, and leaves through a hole called the osculum.
The reasoning behind this being the maximal efficiency goes as follows.
Koryū Waza are ancient techniques, designed for maximal efficiency and damages with a minimal effort.