Early on, Mr. McCain showed his maverick streak.
His funds, a friend says, appeal "to people like him: self-made people who have a maverick streak."
And Carol had always trusted her maverick streak to do what was best.
Oregonians have always prided themselves on their maverick streak.
Yet to the very extent that he has a maverick streak of his own, he is leery of repeating himself.
And these states also have maverick streaks where the egalitarian ethic reigns.
Mr. Hagel is considered a mainstream conservative with a maverick streak and a willingness to criticize the White House.
Dierker has other ideas about the game that reflect his unconventional background and embody his maverick streak.
He is always demonstrating his "independence," his "maverick streak," his genius for "intellectual pragmatism."
Ashton continued to retain his maverick streak.