"But, in my heart of hearts, I believe that the only way to beat Giuliani is with a maverick candidate like me," he said.
At the least, Mr. Walesa made clear that his organization would not support a maverick candidate.
A maverick candidate, Jacques Cheminade, surprised some by his ability to obtain the required endorsements.
The maverick candidate, Joseph Waldman, the publisher of a business directory, finished last in the eight-person race, with 673 votes.
Many people are reluctant to align themselves publicly with a maverick candidate without knowing in advance how many others also intend to do so.
That candidate, however, was Ms. Steele's cousin, Arnell Willis, a maverick black candidate who had neither the support nor the endorsement of the Republican party.
Why do you think that voters flirt with maverick candidates like John McCain but elect establishment politicians like George W. Bush?
Hidden Dictatorships' Mr. Fujimori described Peru's political parties, which he campaigned against as a maverick candidate for President in 1991, as "hidden dictatorships."
Tymiński ran as a maverick candidate.
A close race and a maverick candidate like Mr. Bradley or Mr. McCain might bring out more young voters.