Jefferson opposed providing children in these schools religious texts, since he believed the children would be "at an age when their judgments are not sufficiently matured for religious enquiries".
As typically occurs with any technology, touchscreen hardware and software has sufficiently matured and been perfected over more than three decades to the point where its reliability is unassailable.
Now the Conservatives are asking their countrymen to agree that Canada has matured sufficiently to be able to prosper in an open market with the United States.
After the war, the engine had matured sufficiently to become a major civilian airliner design, notably in its Turbo-Compound forms.
Because design and manufacturing knowledge is not captured, key decision points intended to measure and ensure that a weapon system has sufficiently matured to move forward in the process risk becoming unsupported by critical knowledge.
But the Guild wanted resilient and malleable minds inside bodies that had sufficiently matured.
Then when they have matured sufficiently, they ... become these fireflies, like caterpillars becoming butterflies, and head out into space.
At that time, the APIs -such as OpenGL and DirectX- had matured sufficiently to be more efficient to write for common PC hardware.
When they have matured sufficiently in late spring, and are about 15 to 20 centimetres long, the smolt swim out of the rivers and into the sea.