The deal can also be seen as a harbinger of many more in a mature industry.
For now though, we can just let life take it's course and do our part to move gaming closer towards a "mature" industry.
And why does a mature industry like fashion need incubation?
But in less mature industries, they add, entrepreneurs still seem to be the most effective way of speeding the new technology.
By the 1880s railroads were becoming a mature industry and it was not easy for a new competitor to break in.
The obvious conclusion is that skiing has become a mature industry, which will have to get used to little or no growth.
It was the story's passing reference to the newspaper business as "a mature industry."
Food processing is a mature industry in the region.
You ask, "Why does a mature industry like fashion need incubation?"
Many mature industries are failing today, which means we need new ones.