From the Zeya he sent a report to the Yakutsk Voevode matter-of-factly describing the burning of villages, slaughter of natives and the torture of prisoners.
With a knack for epidemiology and laboratory research, he was soon building what he describes matter-of-factly as "the world's most efficient assembly line for the mass production of weaponized anthrax."
I dropped in on a question-and-answer session with the "schoolmaster" of the local school for Indian boys, and heard him matter-of-factly describe their "typically Indian" lack of punctuality, ambition and modesty.
The Pope matter-of-factly describes this division of the world into blocs, without taking sides, and criticizes "liberal capitalism" and "Marxist collectivism" in parallel fashion.
In a letter to Polly two days earlier, Teacher described the situation more matter-of-factly.
Niccolò da Conti in his relations of his travels in Asia between 1419 and 1444, matter-of-factly describes huge junks of about 2,000 tons:
The employees, some of whom testified under grants of immunity, matter-of-factly described the daily mechanics of the fraud.
Under Ms. Lederer's direction, he described matter-of-factly how he had been surrounded and attacked by the youths while jogging along the reservoir.
They are very direct, matter-of-factly describing the benefits of their product over their competitor's.
Lamb launched C-SPAN, a public-affairs network (subsidized by other cable channels) that "puts a camera on the political process," as he matter-of-factly describes it.