Then ,of course, there's the small matter of millions of US $$ spent on tickets for concerts she has yet to perform.
But if it's merely a matter of millions, Bob Kraft, the Patriots' owner, insisted he won't be outbid for Parcells.
However we may feel about overseas aid, the requirement for agricultural research is a matter of tens of millions of dollars, not billions.
There is the little matter of tens of millions of dollars.
Some of these adaptations are probably quite recent, a matter of thousands rather than millions of years.
As it turns out, the discrepancy was a matter not just of thousands of dollars, but of millions.
"And it is a matter, I am credibly assured, of millions."
The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere is dynamic, it can change on a timescale that by geological standards is extremely rapid, a matter of centuries rather than millions of years.
I hope that Sir David Attenborough, and so many others, once 'see the light' that nature is not a matter of millions of years of blind evolution.
This is a matter of millions of jobs in the world economy and in the European Union.