That leaves us sufficient time to return to Earth where some urgent matters demand my attention.
Complicating matters, if the teachers are given a 20 percent raise, other unions, notably the police union, will undoubtedly demand an identical increase.
Other matters would now demand his time.
While he had no desire to touch it or, indeed, even to go closer, the matter demanded investigation.
Now, however, more pressing matters demanded his immediate consideration, and he turned his attention to the race.
Either way, Qadar decided as he tried not to choke on his fury, the matter demanded his personal attention.
The matter would demand heavy deliberation and prudent judgment.
What matter of state security could demand the personal attention of a full Gestapo general?
Before he left Qo'noS, though, several matters had demanded his immediate attention.
But so much pressed in; so many matters demanded attention at the same time!