Dancing Links implements the matrix using circular doubly linked lists of the 1s in the matrix.
He was the first to develop a matrix using suspect pre-crime, crime and post-crime behaviors as a tool for investigation.
Distribute the existential quantifiers over the disjuncts in the matrix using the rule of passage (Quine 1982: 119):
Obviously, the second way is faster, and we should multiply the matrices using that arrangement of parenthesis.
This means that it is possible to use the normalized homogeneous image coordinates to estimate the transformed fundamental matrix using the basic eight-point algorithm described above.
Collaboratively edit project data such as phylogenetic matrices using a built-in web-based matrix editor.
A principal fundamental matrix can be constructed from a fundamental matrix using .
The current format utilizes a 4+1 matrix using two sets of numbers 1 through 35).
Each ballot can be transformed into this style of matrix, and then added to all other ballot matrices using matrix addition.
We write the entries of each block into a matrix using row-major order.