This can be based mathematically on any function from (part of) the plane to the plane.
In fact, all the shapes are distorted columns, mathematically based and related to the helix.
Analysis is mathematically based and dependent upon the fact that related bioelectric events coincide with the stimulus rep rate.
In computer science, formal specifications are mathematically based techniques whose purpose are to help with the implementation of systems and software.
The clear, mathematically based concept is matched by an elegant presentation.
This framework, still rejected by many, encapsulates the thinking which was to push economic study from being a descriptive to a mathematically based discipline.
Anyone who has had to teach a mathematically based subject will know the difficulties which students encounter in negotiating a new level of abstraction.
The solemn ritualistic choreography appeared to be a mathematically based study in repetition.
There are some tactics which are mathematically based and should be fully understood by the players in order to make it a full bluffing game.
Such a mathematically based system would be neutral and fair.