Like the ancient Gnostics, science sees the material world as a flawed creation, a fall from the grace of mathematical perfection.
And the fugues, each an elegant puzzle, tour the solutions composers used to make these exercises in mathematical perfection into expressive music.
He sat smoking as the soft, mathematical perfection of Fantaisie et Fugue in G Minor filled the room.
She sang songs about love, to be sure, but she often sounded as if she were extolling the mathematical perfection of Timbaland's music machines.
Jacques Plante's mask had an eerie mathematical perfection.
Commander Gomez would appreciate the mathematical perfection of this event.
Naturally the Oracle would do the same for His martyrs, for their courage earned them life everlasting in His realm of mathematical perfection.
Exact mathematical perfection can only approximate real objects.
That means she's been neither killed nor transformed, which is something, but something upset her matrix, her mathematical perfection that made her a Storm Princess.
It could of course be something vague, say a philosophy of the universe couched in mathematical perfection or an outpouring of naked emotion.