Other formulae are constructed by great leaps of faith about similarity in mathematical curves.
Impossible to detect by any means known to science today, they are mathematical curves.
A common misperception about the hyperbola is that it is a mathematical curve rarely if ever encountered in daily life.
An astroid (sometimes spelled asteroid) is a particular mathematical curve: a hypocycloid with four cusps.
Let us next evaluate the line integral of the electric field over the closed mathematical curve shown in Fig. 4.3(b).
Let us replace now the mathematical curve by thin wire.
The questions involve two mathematical curves.
Since the art is made from a series of mathematical curves, it will print very crisply even when resized.
The timing of disengagement in these contests follows the exact mathematical curve derived from the evolutionary theory mathematics.
In 1845, when he was only 14, he wrote a paper describing a way of drawing mathematical curves with a piece of string.