The second book is a mathematical achievement unmatched in antiquity and rarely equaled since.
It was based on personal stories about (mainly Western) mathematicians and their mathematical achievements.
In the sphere of world mathematics literature, Vopěnka's name is associated with many first-class mathematical achievements.
Among his mathematical achievements were founding contributions to the field of integer programming, an active area of research to this day.
Still, the authors can detect a number of trends when it comes to gender, ethnicity, and social factors, and their connections to mathematical achievement.
Still, its authors present a compelling case that, even at the highest level, mathematical achievement is largely a matter of cultural priorities.
Rolf Nevanlinna's most important mathematical achievement is the value distribution theory of meromorphic functions.
A longitudinal study of the predictive relations among construction play and mathematical achievement.
The precision level of a child's ANS has been shown to predict mathematical achievement in school.
His early mathematical achievements contributed to advances in computer science in the 1950's.