At one point in the episode, Homer writes complex math formulas on a chalkboard.
I am having a very hard time finding a math formula.
The character 255 (FF) is merely blank, and acts as a kind of non-breaking space in order to arrange math formulae.
A. Several simple math formulas will give you the number of gallons in various sized ponds.
These laws are math formulas that explain how objects move when a force acts on them.
Include 11 photos of iLiad showing math formulas in the comment section.
"To them, shoplifting is dishonest; writing a couple of math formulas on their hand is not."
These terminals used an extended character set which covered about all the mathematical symbols, and allowed for 1/2 line spacing for math formulas.
String values can be computed if it represents a math formula.
From that I've developed a pretty good memory for scenarios, lines and characters - definitely at the expense of all the math formulae I used to know.