She worked through the preflight sequence, sinking her maternal depression deep.
Furthermore, the study indicates that maternal depression combined with a poor home environment is more likely to have an effect on cognitive development.
Like maternal depression, paternal depression can have negative effects on the children.
Conversely, maternal depression and stress can have adverse effects on attachment.
Behavioural problems at 3-4 years of age have also been associated with maternal depression, both concurrent and postnatal.
Next: The effects of maternal depression on infants and children.
Trajectories of maternal depression over seven years: Relations with child psychophysiology and behavior.
Article: Long-term maternal depression after expectant management of early preterm birth.
Again, all of the findings held up when other potentially stressful variables, such as economic worries and past maternal depression, were controlled for.
Several previous studies have shown that maternal depression has a negative effect on children's well-being.