The chances of it doing so have increased materially since last month.
Over this same period, the company's enterprise value increased materially, from $50 million to over $6 billion.
"But the risks to the economy have materially increased."
Even to reach your ship will be something of a problem which will increase materially with every passing moment.
When stars are that close, they shed enough light on each other to increase materially each other's temperature.
It is a subject for congratulation that the discussion has materially increased our knowledge of this difficult composition.
"Over all, the quantity won't materially increase across the whole studio," he said, reflecting Hollywood's new caution.
Again those alterations do not materially increase the value of the parent's home it is not in any event their property.
As the tree gets larger, the sapwood must necessarily become thinner or increase materially in volume.
Ten years later, the revenues were materially increased.