She was thirty yards from the BBC van when the two men materialized directly in front of her, arms folded.
The helicopter materialized directly over us, itself made allegorical, transformed into a terrible mechanical angel by the glare of the flare.
Duffy materialized directly in front of a furious Corsi.
A dim human form materialized directly ahead, less than fifty yards from paydirt.
Amazingly, four of them materialized directly onto diagnostic beds.
Suddenly there was a transporter hum and the Vulcan materialized directly in front of them.
On top of a mountain of crates directly ahead materialized a skinny man attired all in black, including a black hood.
Just as Pucky was about to turn his attention to the third robot, Tako materialized directly between the two surviving robots.
Rabisu related how he had caused himself to materialize directly in front of the boat, and had challenged those aboard.
He and the pilot see two biplanes materialize out of the clouds and dive directly toward them!