The angel's mission is to transform Layla's materialistic views about the occasion.
But the materialistic view has no idea as to how this dynamic complexity in form and function comes into being and is maintained.
Applewhite took a materialistic view of the Bible, seeing it as a record of extraterrestrial contact with humanity.
He developed Stoic pantheism, and applied his materialistic views to logic and ethics.
As a philosopher Diderot speculated on free will and held a completely materialistic view of the universe; he suggested all human behavior is determined by heredity.
These stories are usually in sharp contrast to Heart's materialistic views, occasionally causing Heart to miss the point of them at first.
At odds with a squalid setting and a cynical, materialistic view of the world, themes of hope and renewal emerged.
Just understand, however, that sometimes purely materialistic views must give way before facts.
It thus lends support to the materialistic view that it makes sense to think of objects in abstraction from a mind which perceives them.
This was a hold-over from the materialistic, agnostic views which were fashionable and prevalent among scientists in the formative period of his youth.