Maybe that's because artists feel that they live on the margins of a materialistic culture, or maybe it's just my age.
With prevailing materialistic culture, shopping is inevitably common these days.
This is more evident than ever in recent years with the amorally materialistic culture which has been encouraged by the present Government's economic and social policies.
In our materialistic culture, tap water is the generic brand.
Today's materialistic cultures have effectively blurred the lines between needs and wants to a point where they're almost indistinguishable.
The era of this stupid materialistic culture is over.
Some conservative Jewish leaders became alarmed that their traditions and ideologies were being buried under this pervasive materialistic culture.
"You're bringing children up in the single most materialistic culture that has ever existed on the face of the earth," he said.
We don't want our new society to be contaminated by any link to this decadent, materialistic culture.
Hong Kong is identified by its materialistic culture and high levels of consumerism.