However, the massive material superiority of the Allies meant the strain placed on the outnumbered German pilots was now severe.
The regime collapsed while it still possessed material superiority.
In yesterday's play, Karpov showed how a perfectionist can mercilessly and patiently convert that kind of material superiority into a point.
If Black can win the trapped knight without suffering damage, he will enjoy a slight material superiority, but Tal apparently had no confidence in that.
The Allies had attacked with overwhelming material superiority, using combined-arms tactics, with a unified operational method and achieved a high tempo.
Montgomery set about building up the material superiority he needed for his own offensive.
Unit for unit, its German opponents enjoyed a crushing material superiority over the AK.
Despite the material superiority of the Peruvian ship the battle lasted for over three hours.
Rf2 25 Kf2 Ba6 26 Ra6 he would have had a small material superiority and the better of the game.
Black has three minor pieces for the queen, which gives him a slight material superiority, but his king is vulnerable and White has good attacking chances.