The residual material suggests that a massive dose was absorbed perhaps three or four days ago, and the effect has since worn off.
One can conclude that Gibbs's work was better known among the scientific elite of his day than published material suggests.
Less is known about the circumstances of his conversion than the relatively copious material suggests.
The material suggests they may have settled there for some time.
The shape and the material suggested a wireless phone.
Wrapped around the boy's face, the sheer material suggests both a bridal veil and a winding sheet.
These materials strongly suggested that this was indeed a shipwreck site.
However, the material that the book is based on strongly suggests a 'creative' interpretation of historical facts.
Some materials suggest that at least 700 imitation videos were created, while other reports suggest over 1000.
"This material suggests that the relics may not be where you think they are."