Ore retrieval is done by material removal from the land in its natural state.
This is increased fro the normal 12,000opm (orbits per minute) to 13,500opm, for faster material removal without compromising the finish.
There are a number of factors which influence abrasive wear and hence the manner of material removal.
These cracks then freely propagate locally around the wear groove, resulting in additional material removal by spalling.
Relative motion between the particle mixture and the workpiece surface result in material removal.
Relative motion between the magnetic/abrasive particle mixture and the workpiece is essential for material removal.
As the surface roughness decreases smaller abrasive particles are necessary to continue material removal.
Wheel-face grinding is often used for fast material removal, but some machines can accomplish high-precision work.
This is unwanted because a short circuit contributes to material removal differently from the ideal case.
The slow rate of material removal.