Virgin material refers to commercially pure forms of the primary metal used to form a particular alloy.
Furthermore, the material referred to these species cannot be shown to belong to the same taxa as the holotypes.
The materials refer to Richmond-Fairfield as the funds' previous auditor.
Further information, and the materials referred to, can be obtained from Liberon at the address given below.
The video has appeared on television networks, and nothing in it or its accompanying materials refers to sexual identity.
In no case should such materials refer to a brand name of a product.
Thus it is often somewhat difficult to tell whether the material refers to the use of cloth flags in battle or a unit of troops.
Some material referred to as "Ingenia" comes from older formations, but these specimens have not been well described.
Some materials (Drachenfels) referred to them as the "toad men" from the stars.
Therefore, Intel's materials refer to 32 new instructions.