Net material product grew by only 3.7% yearly on average, instead of the 4.9% called for by the plan.
His actions are often structured so as to avoid the creation of objects or material products.
In such material products the eye at once detects the Semite's readiness to avail himself of foreign models.
It contrasts with services and activities such as administration that do not themselves result in any tangible material product.
By 1989, it accounted for an estimated 34% of material products, compared to 18% from agriculture.
But real estate development still cranks out material product in a city where all else has dematerialized into pixels.
The pressure for greater investment and defense production during the 1950s had caused private consumption to grow more slowly than net material product.
A culture is the learned behaviors that are shared by the members of a society, together with the material products of such behaviors.
Culture is sometimes described as having three components: what people think, what they do and the material products they produce.