Even materials considered pure elements often develop an oxide coating.
This site provides materials for teachers, kids, students, and researchers to develop an increased knowledge of solid waste issues.
The Handle is made from carbon fiber, a material developed for the aerospace industry, and used in F1 race cars.
It has been taken to task for the manner in which the material develops (or more precisely, doesn't).
This material has economically developed after the fire incident in1548, when it was rebuilt the cost of the stone had increased.
Yes, legendary material about Alexander did develop over time, but it was only in the centuries after these two writers.
The design, material, and techniques developed to produce eunjangdos in various way.
This had also an effect on the rubber-developers who, in order to stay competitive, developed new high quality rubber-like materials.
If the material holds up over time, and there develops behind it an intellectual support, you'll begin to see it.
Viable material, capable of living, developing, or germinating under favorable conditions.