A laser creates light by special actions involving a material called an optical gain medium.
She then finds material on a treatment called the ketogenic diet, which has been around for some 40 years.
They use the material to produce a daily news program for WorldLink called Mosaic.
It's just that the basic material calls for a kind of second-rate bravura performance from everyone, from the production designer to the actors.
The assessment was that the material did not call for a larger investigation.
The court decided at that time that new material did not call into question the validity of the convictions.
The material of the spaceport concrete they'd called itfelt firm under his feet.
And the film's best scenes approach the demented irreverence this material calls for.
Sometimes it's hard to remember that Bruce Willis is a terrific, nuanced actor when the material calls for it.
This rich material calls for special handling.