Its prosperity may be present in some material aspects but its apparent survival as a unit is superficial.
"Changing material aspects of their plans without telling anyone, withholding information, and essentially making less than honest presentations."
After all, our standard of living has a spiritual as well as a material aspect.
In so far as Bukharin was discussing the relationship between society and nature he focused his attention almost wholly upon the material aspects of the exchanges.
She used the museum pieces to explain the history of the area and to interpret material aspects of her dynasty's heritage.
I get an astonishing emotional joy out of the material aspects of the natural world.
"In the former case, we think that such conduct is wrong and must be prohibited; the latter is exactly the same in every material aspect."
His poems are predominantly an expression of material aspects in urban existence.
"It might be better to confine our discussion tonight to the more, er, "material" aspects of the situation," Southworth cut in.
We can now trace these processes of formation in their material aspect.