Orecchiette (little ears) mated perfectly with tender, not in the least bitter broccoli rape - lots of it - and olive oil, a simple but superb dish.
If done correctly, the cope cut in the end of the rail will mate perfectly with the sticking profile.
The Japanese accessories mated perfectly with the sushi-rare tuna, a felicitous interpretation of fusion cooking.
It mated perfectly with smoked salmon on toast topped with a dollop of black caviar, the fruit of the wine judged as a flavorful foil to the salinity of the fish.
Salty black bean sauce mated perfectly with a huge portion of sweet Chilean sea bass.
Basilico is another of those lighthearted Italian restaurants that mate perfectly with East End summers.
It makes a difference, though, when the hustle involves a cast of top-flight artists perfectly mated to their parts and some of the sexiest, most sophisticated dancing seen on Broadway in years.
The two pieces should mate perfectly.