She found a matching pair of high heels, then picked everything up and took the lot downstairs.
If you do much watering by can a long way from a tap, get a matching pair, each holding 2 gallons.
In this scenario, anyone can produce a matching pair of different keys (public and private).
I remember thinking that for a change she had a matching pair.
He passed close behind a matching pair of tall pines.
Eight of the prizes had matching pairs, with the car and $10,000 requiring a Win card to match.
We throw them in a basket after they're washed, and it's up to each person to find a matching pair.
My husband and I got a matching pair for our wedding.
It seemed a shame not to have a matching pair, and I had to do something to express my displeasure when you defied me.
Just beyond is a matching pair of doors that open to a terrace and ocean views on the far side.