Affymetrix sells both mass produced GeneChips intended to match scientifically important parts of human and other animal genomes.
As previously mentioned, most nations with S-75s have matched parts from different versions or third-party missile systems, or they have added locally produced components.
It's possible to match parts from prebuilt characters, but it's much more fun to combine arms and legs from different action figures into your own cubist collage of cyborg appendages.
Technicians at the Medical Examiner's office will look for scars and tattoos and will try to match parts against dental records.
The "Gotham Style" idea of the writers matches parts of the Gothic Revival in style and timing.
These features allow producers to manipulate samples to match other parts of the composition.
In oligonucleotide microarrays, the probes are short sequences designed to match parts of the sequence of known or predicted open reading frames.
Damali also created Flesh Tone an art show/performance where she visited several paint stores and asked to have a paint mixed to match various parts of her body.
I think restoration is harder, because many times you spend great effort correcting others' mistakes from previous repairs, and you need to match parts perfectly.
These are the environments that, in terms at least of summer climates, most closely match milder parts of the northern tundra.