Rivera was soon put in a position to match his actions to his words about having to move forward after the deaths.
But he said he was waiting to see if China's words matched its actions.
He has long since proved both the extent, and the limits, of his ability to match his actions to his words.
"I like to go with a person whose words match their actions."
As he gave these instructions Conlon matched her actions to his words.
This is clearly a promotion for the MP mentioned who always places himself first and whose words never, if ever match his actions.
He does not need to wait, for Megaera has matched his actions, and they ride toward the keep.
Mr. Podesta added that the president's words on the environment did not match his actions.
It is past time for European leaders to match their actions to their lip service about free and fair trade.
For example, take away privileges that closely match a child's inappropriate actions.