In January, he will be eligible for $5 million in matching federal money.
It is helping to match money from donor nations, which usually comes with strings attached, to specific programs.
Or they might receive funds matching money they earn.
The corporation might provide up to $3 million, to match money raised from other sources.
The organization's Matching Fund Program matches money raised by individual chapters for community members or local organizations in need.
In applying the VSM variety measures are used to match people, machines and money to jobs that produce products or services.
Under the plan passed by the Senate, the Federal Government would not be required to match money donated to the states by hospitals.
Harriette C. Hawkins, executive director of the trust, said that in some cases, the grants matched money already spent on restoration.
The change has also angered some private foundations that had been matching Federal money in grants to individual artists.
By matching local money with state money the land was purchased and became a state park in 1945.