At the same time, the child element of child tax credit will rise by £50 a year more than needed to match inflation.
The foundation's budget is up about 1.5 percent this year, to $3.27 billion from $3.22 billion, an increase that almost matches inflation.
It's been over 6 years since I had a pay rise that even matched inflation.
However, the Government said it was allowing salary and pension increases to roughly match inflation for the first two months of the year.
The late eighties: Welfare had not increased to match inflation, and unemployment was down.
Workers were hit by a suspension of automatic wage gains to match inflation.
Two incomes were needed to match inflation and to keep up with society's materialistic values.
Many transit workers have said the authority's offer barely matches inflation in a year that the authority had a $1 billion surplus.
This means they must earn more than 5 percent just to match inflation.
Recent wage improvements have only matched inflation, he added.