A shouting match ensued, and the French team stalked off the strip, threatening to pull out of the bout.
They said they then followed the men into a nearby park, where a shoving match ensued.
Adam got his foot beyond the door, and a brief shoving match ensued.
A shouting match in a hallway reportedly ensued.
A shouting match ensued, with the conductor insisting, "we will sit here all night.
The Falcons rushed to stop the celebration, and a pushing match ensued.
A shouting match had ensued between Sturgis's men and the reporters about their rights.
A pushing match ensued, and a second youth "pulled out a gun and started shooting," he added.
Eventually a shoving match ensued, then swings taken by both players, and finally a bench-clearing brawl.
A shouting match ensues in front of a few crewmembers that threatens to blow their "cover."