I saw that the branches were bleached, leafless, but matted together.
The glands become matted together and very painful to the touch.
If not treated, these glands mat together and form a kind of abscess known as a bubo.
His hair was matted damply together.
Hazel eyes peered up at him, lashes matted together into points.
The simplest textile art is felting, in which animal fibers are matted together using heat and moisture.
His grey hair, just pushed clear of the brow, was greasy and unkempt, matted together like a wet deck mop.
To keep costs down existing shots of the Red Dwarf ship were matted together to give the appearance of two of them.
My hair grew long, and became matted together.
Only the upper twigs bore leaves; but those were matted together into a red roof beneath which the inner forest looked night-black.