The first stone of the cathedral was laid in 1677 by Thomas Strong, Wren's master stonemason.
His initial inspiration was a master stonemason and wood carver - his grandfather.
Hans Ruprecht Hoffmann (c1545-1617) was a German sculptor and master stonemason.
The head came off and was glued back by the master stonemason.
Here, too, an accident happened for the master stonemason.
Ernesto and sons Arthur and Clarence worked 12 hours a day, six days a week as master stonemasons.
The home itself rests on a cut-stone foundation, in excellent condition; obviously the work of master stonemasons of the period.
He was also an architect, master stonemason and carpenter; he drew up plans for the church and supervised most of the construction.
Twenty years later the master stonemasons of Nimes confessed an obligation to work for the count at fixed wages and to service his artillery.
A master stonemason and an apprentice were the contestants.