In ten minutes the masters slept; not so the servants ---hungry, and more thirsty than hungry.
"My master sleeps as soundly as a sated seal, " Pandaras said.
Indeed, some masters will sleep even a superb slave at the foot of the couch.
It was early, and I had hoped that my pestiferous master still slept.
His master was sleeping.
The master could not sleep on a feather bed and have the servant sleep on straw.
Since the ship was built, it seems, the master never slept but in his day-clothes whilst on board.
He thought that his master slept, but after a while Yama said, "The soldiers are mounted and in uniform.
But the "master" sleeps upon the hill, which, coated o'er with snow, Afforded us a sliding-place some forty years ago.
I could imagine those future generations reviling my name in private, slaves whispering to other slaves in low voices while their masters slept.