Well, master was reading in bed and fell asleep, so he must have knocked the candle over.
His master had fallen silent, trusting him to plead the case of Death.
Together, the master of the Templars and the creature who had engineered their destruction fell from the window to land hard on the road below.
His master smiled, and fell asleep in the rain.
When the master fell into disgrace, he often took his underlings with him, and they had no one to protect them.
And then, master, it fell on me as if from nowhere a stroke that Ardneh himself might have delivered!
Randolf howled in rage as his master fell into the water with Samantha riding him down.
Beside the fire, my master fell to devising about the state of the country, as burgesses love to do.
"I heard the master fell asleep in someone else's bed."
My master, that giant in the sky above us, above this bottle, has fallen asleep over his wine.