His father was a master blacksmith and he was educated to elementary level at National schools.
Even a heavy mace wielded in anger by the powerful arms of the master blacksmith would not have stopped whatever had come into that clearing.
He turned back to the master blacksmith's frown.
His father was a master blacksmith who had invested in a tryworks and bought two ships.
The master blacksmith glared around at the crammed room as if he expected some of the piles to get up and move for him.
Instead, I had to work for the master blacksmith at the quarry.
Simon is revealed to be a master blacksmith who fashioned highly prized weapons and armor.
Keris is an important item, with many heirloom kris made by master blacksmiths holding significant historical value.
The Hefaiston is an annual gathering of master blacksmiths from many countries.
Robert was a master blacksmith, in charge of a staff of three at the estate smithy.