On these coins were depictions of two strongly constructed masted ships.
The top left corner, known as the first quarter - show a three masted ship in full sail.
Dragon, a 140 ton three masted ship depicted in the Anthony Roll of 1546.
The wharf was located on the right bank, to the west of today's river bridge which marked the limit of navigability for masted ships.
It is a single masted ship propelled by oars.
And there, in the south facing at sea level, loomed a cave large enough for a masted ship to enter.
Revealing less than half a mile away a heavy three masted ship!!!
The classic ship rig originally had exactly three masts, but four and five masted ships were also built.
There were no pictures on the walls save one of a tall masted ship riding a storm-tossed sea.
Its double pylon seeks to act as a reminder of the masted ships which previously used the quay.